One small cottage at the outflow of Sårjåsjåhkå from the turquoise Sårjåsjávrre. There is only a warden here during a shorter period in summer,
but at other times the cottage is open and the gas is turned on. There are heaters but no firewood is available when the warden is not present,
and only a limited supply of kitchenware is to be found. Despite its apparent practical shortcomings, however,
this place is frequently cited as one of the most beautiful locations in the Swedish fjelds.
The cottage itself was built in 1922 using funds donated to STF by the daughter of the famed consul Persson,
who ran a mining operation based in the Norwegian town Sulitjelma. She requested that it be named in his honor,
and to this day it is usually referred to as Konsul Perssons stuga in all but formal contexts.
NOTE: There is no assistance phone in this cottage.